Carlos Muñoz (Master)
Method: Yoga Integral ®
Style: Purna Yoga Integral ®
International Certificated Master Yoga IYF
CL001-2010 |
Telephone: 09 245 65 91
Sociedad Chilena de Yoga Integral |
Address: Seminario 521, Providencia. Metro Santa Isabel |
Marcela Loreto Muñoz Miranda
Method: Yoga Integral ®
Style: Purna Yoga Integral ®
International Certificated Yoga Teacher IYF
CL009-2010 |
Telephone: 97844058
Address: |
Ingrid Loreto Cortes Rojas
Method: Yoga Integral ®
Style: Purna Yoga Integral ®
International Certificated Yoga Teacher IYF
CL010-2010 |
Telephone: 08 22 36 980 |
Address: Lord Cochrane 209, Torre Sur, depto 913. Santiago.
Region Metropolitana. Chile |
Loreto Tapia Andrea
Method: Yoga Integral ®
Style: Purna Yoga Integral ®
International Certificated Yoga Teacher IYF
CL011-2010 |
Address: Los Jacintos 2991 - Providencia - Santiago de Chile |
Loreto Cortes
Method: Yoga Integral ®
Style: Purna Yoga Integral ®
International Certificated Yoga Teacher IYF
CL012-2010 |
Address: |
Patricia Veronica Awad Amar
Method: Yoga Integral ®
Style: Purna Yoga Integral ®
International Certificated Yoga Teacher IYF
CL013-2010 |
Telephone: |
Address: |
Maven Lomboy
Method: Yoga Integral ®
Style: Purna Yoga Integral ®
International Certificated Yoga Teacher IYF
CL014-2010 |
Telephone: |
Address: |
Eduardo Zuñiga
Method: Yoga Integral ®
Style: Purna Yoga Integral ®
International Certificated Yoga Teacher IYF
CL015-2010 |
Telephone: |
Address: |
Rodrigo Peña Espinoza
Method: Yoga Integral ®
Style: Purna Yoga Integral ®
International Certificated Yoga Teacher IYF
CL016-2010 |
Telephone: |
Address: |
Helia Carolina Ramirez Perez
Method: Yoga Integral ®
Style: Purna Yoga Integral ®
International Certificated Yoga Teacher IYF
CL017-2010 |
Telephone: |
Address: |
Juan Pablo Gonzalez Duran
Method: Yoga Integral ®
Style: Purna Yoga Integral ®
International Certificated Yoga Teacher IYF
CL018-2010 |
Telephone: |
Address: |
Jose Segovia Franklin
Method: Yoga Integral ®
Style: Purna Yoga Integral ®
International Certificated Yoga Teacher IYF
Carlos Carranza
Method: Yoga Integral ®
Style: Purna Yoga Integral ®
International Certificated Yoga Teacher IYF
CL020-2010 |
Telephone: |
Address: |
Eduardo Nuñez (Master)
Method: Yoga
Style: Yoga
International Registered Master Yoga IYF
CL021-2010 |
Telephone: |
Address: |
Juan Luis Prado Toledo (Master)
Method: Yoga Integral ®
Style: Purna Yoga Integral ®
International Certificated Master Yoga IYF
CL0450-2009 |
Telephone: (0056) (02) 7698204, (0056) (02) 7234746, (09) 8298308
Centro ISAJU |
Address: Centro de Yoga Integral - Edificio Confluencia
Avda. Eliodoro Yañez 2290 - Providencia - Santiago de Chile |
Carla Orellana
Method: Yoga Integral ®
Style: Purna Yoga Integral ®
International Certificated Yoga Teacher IYF
CL022-2010 |
Telephone: 8 2334082
Address: Av. providencia 2133 of.701, Comuna Providencia, Santiago. |
Denis Andrés Castro
Method: Yoga Integral ®
Style: Purna Yoga Integral ®
International Certificated Yoga Teacher IYF
CL041-2007 |
Address: |
Jennifer Gemita Aravena Torres
Method: Yoga Integral ®
Style: Purna Yoga Integral ®
International Certificated Yoga Teacher IYF
CL023-2010 |
Telephone: |
Antonieta Landa del Rio
Method: Yoga Integral ®
Style: Purna Yoga Integral ®
International Certificated Yoga Teacher IYF
CL024-2010 |
Telephone: |
Address: Obispo Donoso 11 dpto 4, Providencia |
Ximena Carolina Arenas Padilla
Method: Yoga Integral ®
Style: Purna Yoga Integral ®
International Certificated Master Yoga IYF
CL025-2010 |
Telephone: 99684618 |
Address: Enrique Molina 708 Manzanal, Rancagua, Chile |
Susan Andrea Schwerter
Method: Yoga Integral ®
Style: Purna Yoga Integral ®
International Certificated Yoga Teacher IYF
CL026-2010 |
Telephone: 4936963 - 90853867
Centro de Terapias Complementarias - Magic Life
Address: Paso del Roble 311 depto. 112 torre1 -
La Florida, Santiago de Chile
Catalina Muza Diez
Method: Yoga Integral ®
Style: Purna Yoga Integral ®
International Certificated Yoga Teacher IYF
CL027-2010 |
Telephone: |
Address: |
Javiera Beas
Method: Yoga Integral ®
Style: Purna Yoga Integral ®
International Certificated Yoga Teacher IYF
CL028-2010 |
Address: |
Rocio Flores Ballafuy
Method: Yoga Integral ®
Style: Purna Yoga Integral ®
International Certificated Yoga Teacher IYF
CL029-2010 |
Telephone: |
Address: |
Valentina Peralta Ganter
Method: Yoga Integral ®
Style: Purna Yoga Integral ®
International Certificated Yoga Teacher IYF
CL036-2010 |
Celular: 81998405 |
Address: |
Catalina Francisca Cruz Aguirre
Method: Yoga Integral ®
Style: Purna Yoga Integral ®
International Certificated Yoga Teacher IYF
CL0438-2009 |
Telephone: |
Address: |
Evelyn Yanira Mancilla Saavedra
Method: Yoga Integral ®
Style: Purna Yoga Integral ®
International Certificated Yoga Teacher IYF
CL0439-2009 |
Telephone: 84711569
Address: Centro de yoga integral Matsyendra
Uribe n º 1017 of. 301 Antofagasta-Chile |
Nury Del Pilar Serra Puchalt
Method: Yoga Integral ®
Style: Purna Yoga Integral ®
International Certificated Yoga Teacher IYF
CL0467-2009 |
Telephone: |
Address: |
Milena Alexa Cano Schneider
Method: Yoga Integral ®
Style: Purna Yoga Integral ®
International Certificated Yoga Teacher IYF
CL0468-2009 |
Address: |
Andrea Silva
Method: Yoga Integral ®
Style: Purna Yoga Integral ®
International Certificated Yoga Teacher IYF
CL0469-2009 |
Telephone: |
Address: |
Marcelo Canales Ureta
Method: Yoga Integral ®
Style: Purna Yoga Integral ®
International Certificated Yoga Teacher IYF
CL494-2009 |
Telephone: (0056) (02) 7698204, (0056) (02) 7234746, (09) 8298308
Centro ISAJU |
Address: Eliodoro Yañez 2290, Providencia - Santiago de Chile |
Javiera Paz Acevedo Brncic
Method: Yoga Integral ®
Style: Purna Yoga Integral ®
International Certificated Yoga Teacher IYF
CL499-2009 |
Telephone: (0056) (02) 2149418, (09) 4992005
Centro Pilai Alto |
Address: San Ramón 1430, San Carlos de Apoquindo, Las Condes, Santiago Chile |
María Isabel Gilles Vial
Method: Yoga Integral ®
Style: Purna Yoga Integral ®
International Certificated Yoga Teacher IYF
CL500-2009 |
Telephone: (0056) (02) 7698204, (0056) (02) 7234746, (09) 8298308
Centro ISAJU
Address: Eliodoro Yañez 2290, Providencia - Santiago de Chile |
Camila Oviedo Valle
Method: Yoga Integral ®
Style: Purna Yoga Integral ®
International Certificated Yoga Teacher IYF
CL513-2009 |
Telephone: |
Address: |
Dafne Gonzalez Rojas
Method: Yoga Integral ®
Style: Purna Yoga Integral ®
International Certificated Yoga Teacher IYF
CL525-2010 |
Telephone: 00 56 57 317071
// 057 450379 |
Address: Playa Chauca 3672, Iquique - Chile |
Claudia Alejandra Reyes Alberti
Method: Yoga Integral ®
Style: Purna Yoga Integral ®
International Certificated Yoga Teacher IYF
CL008-2010 |
Telephone: 09-4595627 |
Address: Holanda 3730 dep 123
Ñuñoa |
Violeta Paz Soto Valdez
Method: Yoga Integral ®
Style: Purna Yoga Integral ®
International Certificated Yoga Teacher IYF
CL007-2010 |
Telephone: (0054)15 32945463 |
Address: Charcas 4776. Buenos Aires |
Maria Angeles Rivero Rojas
Method: Yoga Integral ®
Style: Purna Yoga Integral ®
International Certificated Yoga Teacher IYF
CL005-2010 |
Telephone: 56992659795 |
Address: Luis Carrera 2408 - Santiago de Chile |
Nancy Cristina Chavez Farias
Method: Yoga Integral ®
Style: Purna Yoga Integral ®
International Certificated Yoga Teacher IYF
CL002-2010 |
Telephone: 28 14060 |
Address: |
Yessica Alexandra Paloma Knabe Alvarez
Method: Yoga Integral ®
Style: Purna Yoga Integral ®
International Certificated Yoga Teacher IYF
CL003-2010 |
Telephone: 09-62730891 |
Address: Barros Arana 205. Temuco, Chile |
Cristian Dick Sanhueza Roa
Method: Yoga Integral ®
Style: Purna Yoga Integral ®
International Certificated Yoga Teacher IYF
CL004-2010 |
Telephone: 09-62730892 |
Address: Barros Arana 205. Temuco, Chile |
Gloria Ximena Barrientos Casal
Method: Yoga Integral ®
Style: Purna Yoga Integral ®
International Certificated Yoga Teacher IYF
CL031-2010 |
Celular: 62394810 |
Address: |
Maria Isabel Gilles Vial
Method: Yoga Integral ®
Style: Purna Yoga Integral ®
International Certificated Yoga Teacher IYF
CL032-2010 |
Celular 98298308 |
Address: |
Jaime Aillón Jeraldo
Method: Yoga Integral ®
Style: Purna Yoga Integral ®
International Certificated Yoga Teacher IYF
CL033-2010 |
Celular 87290230 |
Address: |
Rocio Marín Johnson
Method: Yoga Integral ®
Style: Purna Yoga Integral ®
International Certificated Yoga Teacher IYF
CL034-2010 |
Celular: 98877936 |
Address: |
Marcelo Canales Ureta
Method: Yoga Integral ®
Style: Purna Yoga Integral ®
International Certificated Yoga Teacher IYF
CL035-2010 |
Celular 82395194 |
Address: |
Claudia Cecilia Trubian
Method: Yoga Integral ®
Style: Purna Yoga Integral ®
International Certificated Yoga Teacher IYF
CL036-2010 |
Telephone: |
Address: Martin de Zamora 5461, Santiago de Chile, Chile |
María José Donoso Mena
Method: Yoga Integral ®
Style: Purna Yoga Integral ®
International Certificated Yoga Teacher IYF
CL037-2010 |
Address: |
Pedro Montecinos Halcartegaray
Method: Yoga Integral ®
Style: Purna Yoga Integral ®
International Certificated Yoga Teacher IYF
CL041-2010 |
Telephone: 47828512
Address: Vuelta de obligado 1160, 6B. Buenos Aires |
Vania Lenina Ite Bello
Method: Yoga Integral ®
Style: Purna Yoga Integral ®
International Certificated Yoga Teacher IYF
CL042-2010 |
Telephone: (02) 526 80 27
Address: Ricardo Cumming 562 Santiago Centro |
Dannia Alejandra Perez Carrasco
Method: Yoga Integral ®
Style: Purna Yoga Integral ®
International Certificated Yoga Teacher IYF
CL043-2010 |
Address: |
Ruth Violeta Mónica Pizarro Blanco
Method: Yoga Integral ®
Style: Purna Yoga Integral ®
International Certificated Yoga Teacher IYF
CL044-2010 |
Address: |
Sonia Abarca
Method: Yoga Integral ®
Style: Purna Yoga Integral ®
International Certificated Yoga Teacher IYF
CL045-2010 |
Telephone: |
Address: Cuadro Verde 150, Torre 4, Santiago de Chile |
Elizabeth Tabilo
Method: Yoga Integral ®
Style: Purna Yoga Integral ®
International Certificated Yoga Teacher IYF
CL046-2010 |
Telephone: 09 8837471 // 55 256979
Armando Carrera 0629 Depto 34. Gran Vía. Antofagasta.
John Zamora Novion
Method: Yoga Integral ®
Style: Purna Yoga Integral ®
International Certificated Yoga Teacher IYF
CL047-2010 |
Telephone: 83038554 |
Address: Mujica 0275, Ñuñoa. Chile |
Jose Felipe Contreras Ramirez
Method: Yoga Integral ®
Style: Purna Yoga Integral ®
International Certificated Yoga Teacher IYF
CL048-2010 |
Telephone: 09-4329605
Address: Argomedo #373 dpto 1205 - Santiago Centro, Santiago - Chile |
Carolina Cortes Momberg
Method: Yoga Integral ®
Style: Purna Yoga Integral ®
International Certificated Yoga Teacher IYF
CL049-2010 |
Telephone: |
Address: Av. Holanda 634, piso 3. Santiago de Chile, Chile |
Virginia Loreto Calonge Varela
Method: Yoga Integral ®
Style: Purna Yoga Integral ®
International Certificated Yoga Teacher IYF
CL050-2010 |
Address: Cisternas 2070. Chile |
Sonia Teresa Carvajal Palacios
Method: Yoga Integral ®
Style: Purna Yoga Integral ®
International Certificated Yoga Teacher IYF
CL051-2010 |
Telephone: |
Address: Del Astillero 5670, Dpto 201, Coquimbo, Chile |
Susana Iborra
Method: Yoga Integral ®
Style: Purna Yoga Integral ®
International Certificated Yoga Teacher IYF
CL052-2010 |
Address: Rapa Nui s/n. Isla de Pascua |
Marisol Alejandra Bruna Villarroel
Method: Yoga Integral ®
Style: Purna Yoga Integral ®
International Certificated Yoga Teacher IYF
CL053-2010 |
Telephone: |
Address: Antonio Varas 240, Santiago de Chile, Chile |
Nicole Alejandra Illesca Carrasco
Method: Yoga Integral ®
Style: Purna Yoga Integral ®
International Certificated Yoga Master IYF
CL054-2010 |
Telephone: 0056 9 86729232
Address: Fco Gil 3 #421, Valdivia, Chile |
Lucia Evelyn Melcoñian
Method: Yoga Integral ®
Style: Purna Yoga Integral ®
International Certificated Yoga Teacher IYF
CL055-2010 |
Telephone: |
Santa Rita 683
Santiago, Chile |
Vivianne Candia Villarroel
Method: Yoga Integral ®
Style: Purna Yoga Integral ®
International Certificated Yoga Teacher IYF
CL056-2010 |
Telephone: 56 98865381
Address: Miraflores 95. Temuco |
Claudia Andrea Soto Carrasco
Method: Yoga Integral ®
Style: Purna Yoga Integral ®
International Certificated Yoga Teacher IYF
CL057-2010 |
Telephone: 56 9 86104099 |
Address: Volcan Pichasca 783. Lomas de Mirasur, San Bernando. Santiago de Chile |
Ilona Vanessa Udovich Testa
Method: Yoga Integral ®
Style: Purna Yoga Integral ®
International Certificated Yoga Teacher IYF
CL058-2010 |
Telephone: 56 9 8769 5493
Address: El Médano s/n La Chocota, Comuna Puchuncavi, Quinta Región |
Katherine Pavez Díaz
Method: Yoga Integral ®
Style: Purna Yoga Integral ®
International Certificated Yoga Teacher IYF
CL059-2010 |
Telephone: 56 96400663 |
Address:Carlos Condell 467 |
Claudia Sonja Iglesias Brito
Method: Yoga Integral ®
Style: Purna Yoga Integral ®
International Certificated Yoga Teacher IYF
CL060-2010 |
Telephone: 56 97998407
Address: Centro de Yoga Isaju, Eliodoro Yañez 2290 Providencia, Santiago, Chile |
Gilberto Zamorano Avendaño
Method: Yoga Integral ®
Style: Purna Yoga Integral ®
International Certificated Yoga Teacher IYF
CL061-2010 |
Telephone: 56 98482440 |
Address: Santiago Concha # 1455, Santiago, Chile |
Natalia Andrea Montenegro Millán
Method: Yoga Integral ®
Style: Purna Yoga Integral ®
International Certificated Yoga Teacher IYF
CL062-2010 |
Telephone: 74014221
Address: Catedral 1787, Departamento 4, Comuna de Santiago |
Stefanie Schwarz
Method: Yoga Integral ®
Style: Purna Yoga Integral ®
International Certificated Yoga Teacher IYF
CL063-2010 |
Telephone: 56 99964717 |
Address: Eduardo Donoso 719, Ñuñoa, Santiago de Chile |
Vanili Gomez Godoy
Method: Yoga Integral ®
Style: Purna Yoga Integral ®
International Certificated Yoga Teacher IYF
CL064-2010 |
Telephone: 56 91567894
Address: Maximo Bach 4312, Ñuñoa, Santiago, Chile |
Claudia Carolina Sánchez Alvear
Method: Yoga Integral ®
Style: Purna Yoga Integral ®
International Registered Yoga Teacher IYF
CL065-2010 |
Telephone: |
Address: Av. Los Libertadores 6663. Santiago, Chile |
Daniela Alejandra Bustamante Muñoz
Method: Yoga Integral ®
Style: Purna Yoga Integral ®
International Registered Yoga Teacher IYF
CL066-2011 |
Telephone: 1544160027
Address: Cabriela Mistral 5125, Castro, Chile |
Madelainne Dominique Latorre Salgado
Method: Yoga Integral ®
Style: Purna Yoga Integral ®
International Registered Yoga Teacher IYF
CL067-2011 |
Telephone: |
Address: Wualdo Faff. Santiago, Chile |
Anakarina Cristel Flores Gallardo
Method: Yoga Integral ®
Style: Purna Yoga Integral ®
International Registered Yoga Teacher IYF
CL068-2011 |
Address: Santiago de Chile, Chile |
Luisa Magdalena Ortega Solis
Method: Yoga Integral ®
Style: Purna Yoga Integral ®
International Registered Yoga Teacher IYF
CL069-2011 |
Telephone: |
Address: Valdivia, Chile |
Consuelo Alejandra Gaele Contreras
Method: Yoga Integral ®
Style: Purna Yoga Integral ®
International Registered Yoga Teacher IYF
CL070-2011 |
Address: |
Paulina Veronica del Pilar Soto Leiva
Method: Yoga Integral ®
Style: Purna Yoga Integral ®
International Registered Yoga Teacher IYF
CL071-2011 |
Telephone: 098 6599167 |
Address: Allende 729, Valparaiso. Chile |
Natalia Alejandra Fernandez Aguilar
Method: Yoga Integral ®
Style: Purna Yoga Integral ®
International Registered Yoga Teacher IYF
CL072-2011 |
Telephone: 1536132389
Address: Orinoco Peña Lolen. Santiago de Chile |
Erika Alejandra Urrea Vargas
Method: Yoga Integral ®
Style: Purna Yoga Integral ®
International Registered Yoga Teacher IYF
CL073-2011 |
Telephone: |
Address: |
Camila Ester Bolaños Cabrera
Method: Yoga Integral ®
Style: Purna Yoga Integral ®
International Registered Yoga Teacher IYF
CL074-2011 |
Address: Saenz Peña 562. Capital Federal. Buenos Aires. Argentina.
Tatiana Andrea Cuevas Zepeda
Method: Yoga Integral ®
Style: Purna Yoga Integral ®
International Registered Yoga Teacher IYF
CL075-2011 |
Telephone: |
Address: Valdivia, Chile |
Paula Andrea Valles Muñoz
Method: Yoga Integral ®
Style: Purna Yoga Integral ®
International Registered Master of Yoga IYF
CL076-2011 |
Telephone: 00-56-2-2864541
Address: El Hualle 8048, Lo Cañas, Santiago, Chile
Isidora del Carmen Guerrero Mendoza
Method: Yoga Integral ®
Style: Purna Yoga Integral ®
International Registered Yoga Teacher IYF
CL077-2011 |
Telephone: 99698684 |
Address: Coirón 1688, La Florida. Santiago - Chile |
Sonia Alejandra Jonshon Sandoval
Method: Yoga Integral ®
Style: Purna Yoga Integral ®
International Registered Yoga Teacher IYF
CL078-2011 |
Address: Chile
Francisca Alejandra Middleton Poyanco
Method: Yoga Integral ®
Style: Purna Yoga Integral ®
International Registered Yoga Teacher IYF
CL079-2011 |
Telephone:77056246 |
Address: Los Sargazos 360 depto 103A jardín del Mar, Viña del Mar - Chile |
Maria Teresa Arellano Benavides
Method: Yoga Integral ®
Style: Purna Yoga Integral ®
International Registered Yoga Teacher IYF
CL095-2011 |
Telephone: 09.5485943
Address: Santiago de Chile, Chile
Tania Araneda Parada
Method: Yoga Integral ®
Style: Purna Yoga Integral ®
International Registered Yoga Teacher IYF
CL096-2011 |
Telephone: 09.1886008 |
Address: Santiago de Chile, Chile |
Tamara Araneda Parada
Method: Yoga Integral ®
Style: Purna Yoga Integral ®
International Registered Yoga Teacher IYF
CL097-2011 |
Telephone: 08.3848506
Address: Santiago de Chile, Chile
Valeria Barra Concha
Method: Yoga Integral ®
Style: Purna Yoga Integral ®
International Registered Yoga Teacher IYF
CL098-2011 |
Telephone:02.9847713 (red fija) 06.5753584 (celular) |
Address: Santiago de Chile, Chile |
Carolina Carvallo Pérez de Arce
Method: Yoga Integral ®
Style: Purna Yoga Integral ®
International Registered Yoga Teacher IYF
CL099-2011 |
Telephone: 94918362
Address: Santiago de Chile, Chile
María Constanza Fernández Ramírez
Method: Yoga Integral ®
Style: Purna Yoga Integral ®
International Registered Yoga Teacher IYF
CL100-2011 |
Telephone: 08 - 4183238 |
Address: V Región, Chile |
Yanina Delgado Plenkovich
Method: Yoga Integral ®
Style: Purna Yoga Integral ®
International Registered Yoga Teacher IYF
CL101-2011 |
Telephone: 07.6214364
Address: Santiago de Chile, Chile
Sabrina Fernández Caro
Method: Yoga Integral ®
Style: Purna Yoga Integral ®
International Registered Yoga Teacher IYF
CL102-2011 |
Telephone: 62805632 |
Address: San Antonio, Chile |
Pablo Ferrada Valenzuela
Method: Yoga Integral ®
Style: Purna Yoga Integral ®
International Registered Yoga Teacher IYF
CL103-2011 |
Telephone: 6.6588298
Address: Santiago de Chile, Chile
Marisol Gómez Alvarez
Method: Yoga Integral ®
Style: Purna Yoga Integral ®
International Registered Yoga Teacher IYF
CL104-2011 |
Telephone: 8 2773592 (celular), 02 6383317 (fijo) |
Address: Santiago de Chile, Chile |
Carolina Gutiérrez Guajardo
Method: Yoga Integral ®
Style: Purna Yoga Integral ®
International Registered Yoga Teacher IYF
CL106-2011 |
Telephone: 56-2-4745778 // 56-8-1590638
Address: Santiago de Chile, Chile
Pilar Magnan Alabarce
Method: Yoga Integral ®
Style: Purna Yoga Integral ®
International Registered Yoga Teacher IYF
CL106-2011 |
Telephone:56-2-2947520 // 56-9-8845731 |
Address: Santiago de Chile, Chile |
Viviana Mamani Gajardo
Method: Yoga Integral ®
Style: Purna Yoga Integral ®
International Registered Yoga Teacher IYF
CL107-2011 |
Telephone: 08.5969149 |
Address: Santiago de Chile, Chile |
Camila Ponce Lara
Method: Yoga Integral ®
Style: Purna Yoga Integral ®
International Registered Yoga Teacher IYF
CL108-2011 |
Telephone: 06.8645549 |
Address: Santiago de Chile, Chile |
M. Teresa Rodríguez Fuentealba
Method: Yoga Integral ®
Style: Purna Yoga Integral ®
International Registered Yoga Teacher IYF
CL109-2011 |
Telephone: 09.5196199
Address: Comuna San Miguel, Chile
Blanca Julia Mancilla Marquez
Method: Yoga Integral ®
Style: Purna Yoga Integral ®
International Registered Yoga Teacher IYF
CL110-2011 |
Claudia Vanesa Riveros Escanuela
Method: Yoga Integral ®
Style: Purna Yoga Integral ®
International Registered Yoga Teacher IYF
CL111-2011 |
Claudia Andrea Gajardo Yáñez
Method: Yoga Integral ®
Style: Purna Yoga Integral ®
International Certified Master of Yoga IYF
CL001-2012 |
Telephone: 87673274
Address: San Martín 815, Linares, Chile.
Fabrizio Dyon Díaz Fernández
Method: Yoga Integral ®
Style: Purna Yoga Integral ®
International Certified Yoga Teacher IYF
CL002-2012 |
Telephone: 97945085 |
Address: Valdivia, Chile |
Juan Francisco Andrades Pinto
Method: Yoga Integral ®
Style: Purna Yoga Integral ®
International Certified Yoga Teacher IYF
CL003-2012 |
Telephone: 84260789 |
Address: San Martín 815, Linares, Chile. |
Mauro Andrés Rojas Núñez
Method: Yoga Integral ®
Style: Purna Yoga Integral ®
International Certified Yoga Teacher IYF
CL004-2012 |
Telephone: 82694938 |
Address: Santos Dumont 867, Recoleta, Dpto. 205, Santiago de Chile, Chile |
Maria Gabriela Valenzuela Mateluna
Method: Yoga Integral ®
Style: Purna Yoga Integral ®
International Certified Yoga Teacher IYF
CL005-2012 |
Telephone: 56 9 92656066 |
Address: Constelación Centauro #200, Los Andes, Chile |
Vanessa Antognoli
Method: Yoga Integral ®
Style: Purna Yoga Integral ®
International Certified Yoga Teacher IYF
CL006-2012 |
Telephone: 78080543 |
Address: Caburga 186, Los Pinos Reñaca, Viña del Mar, Chile |
Elizabeth Morales Ríos
Method: Yoga Integral ®
Style: Purna Yoga Integral ®
International Certified Yoga Teacher IYF
CL007-2012 |
Telephone: 0056 9 95005349 |
Address: Latorre 1423, Calama, Chile. |
Cecilia Fabiola Araya León
Method: Yoga Integral ®
Style: Purna Yoga Integral ®
International Certified Yoga Teacher IYF
CL008-2012 |
Telephone: 32 2738329 |
Address: Santa Elena 638, Concón, Viña del Mar, Chile |
Macarena Almeida
Method: Yoga Integral ®
Style: Purna Yoga Integral ®
International Certified Yoga Teacher IYF
CL009-2012 |
Phone: 5622184149 |
Address: Espoz 6018, Chile
Mauricio Rojas
Method: Yoga Integral ®
Style: Purna Yoga Integral ®
International Certified Yoga Teacher IYF
CL010-2012 |
Phone: 9 1922191 |
Address: Urmeneta 0676 |
Andrea Sepúlveda Tapia
Method: Yoga Integral ®
Style: Purna Yoga Integral ®
International Certified Yoga Teacher IYF
CL011-2012 |
Phone: 3238296 |
Address: Ayacura 94, Villa Santa María, Chile. |
Juan Manuel Alvarez-Salamanca Fuenzalida
Method: Yoga Integral ®
Style: Purna Yoga Integral ®
International Certified Yoga Teacher IYF
CL012-2012 |
Phone: 56997447307 |
Address: El Pilpilen 4662, Puente Alto, Santiago, Chile |
Alfredo Rolando Gesell Saldivia
Method: Yoga Integral ®
Style: Purna Yoga Integral ®
International Certified Yoga Teacher IYF
CL013-2012 |
Phone: 065 572773 |
Address: Avda. Prat 594, Ancud, Chiloé, Chile |
Consuelo Ortega
Method: Yoga Integral ®
Style: Purna Yoga Integral ®
International Certified Yoga Teacher IYF
CL014-2012 |
Phone: +56 9 99493212 |
Address: Fray Camilo 440, Santiago Centro, Chile |
Karen Lorena Barriga Llanos
Method: Yoga Integral ®
Style: Purna Yoga Integral ®
International Certified Yoga Teacher IYF
CL014-2012 |
Phone: 09 4465653 |
Address: Galvarino 1646, Los Angeles, Chile |
Carla Semir González
Method: Yoga Integral ®
Style: Purna Yoga Integral ®
International Certified Yoga Teacher IYF
CL015-2012 |
Phone: 56 977667317 |
Address: Av Vicuña Mackenna 4927, depto 3307, Comuna San Joaquín, Santiago, Chile |
Rodrigo Aguirre Anelli
Method: Yoga Integral ®
Style: Purna Yoga Integral ®
International Certified Yoga Teacher IYF
CL016-2012 |
Phone: 56 966763926 |
Address: Carlos Peña Otaegui 11406, Santiago, Chile |
Luz Marlene Aburto Riquelme
Method: Yoga
Style: Yoga
International Registered Yoga Teacher IYF
CL017-2012 |
Phone: 9-7309868 |
Address: Bremen 88 - Depto. 305, Santiago - Chile |
Ana Waleska Alemparte Muñoz
Method: Yoga
Style: Yoga
International Registered Yoga Teacher IYF
CL018-2012 |
Phone: 9-5128559 |
Address: Paso del Roble 311, dpto. 117B, Santiago- Chile. |
Margarita Lorena Arredondo Ríos
Method: Yoga
Style: Yoga
International Registered Yoga Teacher IYF
CL019-2012 |
Phone: 96823749 |
Address: Av. Italia 1551, dpto 407, Santiago- Chile |
Mónica del Rosario Charlin Rioseco
Method: Yoga
Style: Yoga
International Registered Yoga Teacher IYF
CL020-2012 |
Phone: 9.2509522 |
Address: Condell 1415 departamento 906, Santiago-Chile |
Brenda Cifuentes Rubio
Method: Yoga
Style: Yoga
International Registered Yoga Teacher IYF
CL021-2012 |
Phone: 7-8876935 |
Address: Vasco de Gama 5928, Santiago – Chile |
Daniel Aurelio Contreras Fernández
Method: Yoga
Style: Yoga
International Registered Yoga Teacher IYF
CL022-2012 |
Phone: 6.8449755 |
Address: Joel Silva #1541 Villa Mestranza, Santiago - Chile |
Natalia Valentina Díaz Rivera
Method: Yoga
Style: Yoga
International Registered Yoga Teacher IYF
CL023-2012 |
Phone: 65943374 |
Address: Marín 574 Departamento 607, Santiago - Chile |
Helda Patricia Donoso Morales
Method: Yoga
Style: Yoga
International Registered Yoga Teacher IYF
CL024-2012 |
Phone: 68700079 |
Address: Blanco Cuartin 1738 Santiago- Chile |
Claudia Alicia Illanes Lobos
Method: Yoga
Style: Yoga
International Registered Yoga Teacher IYF
CL025-2012 |
Phone: 7-9865377 |
Address: El Greco N° 6875, Santiago - Chile |
Grace Carolina Jaña Arellano
Method: Yoga
Style: Yoga
International Registered Yoga Teacher IYF
CL026-2012 |
Phone: 9.2803828 |
Address: Eyzaguirre N°85, Block D, dpto.11, Santiago - Chile |
Matilde Ema Bofill Rodríguez
Method: Yoga
Style: Yoga
International Registered Yoga Teacher IYF
CL027-2012 |
Phone: 96823749 |
Address: Av. Italia 1551, dpto 407, Santiago- Chile |
Javiera Donoso Azagra
Method: Yoga
Style: Yoga
International Registered Yoga Teacher IYF
CL028-2012 |
Phone: 7.9594781 |
Address: Máximo Jeria N° 460 depto. 402 Santiago-Chile |
Solange Alejandra Jiménez Sáez
Method: Yoga
Style: Yoga
International Registered Yoga Teacher IYF
CL029-2012 |
Phone: 92176347 |
Address: Av San José 2559 depto. 302, Santiago - Chile |
Mónica Patricia Ledezma Salse
Method: Yoga
Style: Yoga
International Registered Yoga Teacher IYF
CL030-2012 |
7-7679515 |
Address: Maicolpue N° 7748, Santiago – Chile |
Carolina Andrea Monje Fritz
Method: Yoga
Style: Yoga
International Registered Yoga Teacher IYF
CL031-2012 |
Phone: 09-74959384 |
Address: Los Plátanos 1940, Santiago – Chile |
Alejandro Andrés Muñoz Romero
Method: Yoga
Style: Yoga
International Registered Yoga Teacher IYF
CL032-2012 |
Phone: 8.2396140 |
Address: Cerro el Abanico 12052, Santiago- Chile |
Karenina Andrea Villagrán Pons
Method: Yoga
Style: Yoga
International Registered Yoga Teacher IYF
CL033-2012 |
Phone: 8.9762279 |
Address: Los espinos #3401 casa A, Santiago - Chile |
Natalia Alejandra Ramos Alvarado
Method: Yoga
Style: Yoga
International Registered Yoga Teacher IYF
CL034-2012 |
Phone: 7. 88802 23 |
Address: Tarapacá N°1324 Depto. 1319 Santiago- Chile |
María Belén Contreras Pizarro
Method: Purna Yoga
Style: Purna Yoga
International Registered Yoga Teacher IYF
CL035-2012 |
Phone: 9.3256051 |
Address: Santa Sofía de Lo Cañas parcela 78 B La Florida Santiago de Chile |
María Carolina Miranda Campos
Method: Purna Yoga
Style: Purna Yoga
International Registered Yoga Teacher IYF
CL036-2012 |
Phone: 61254644 |
Address: Hacienda Los Choroyes Lote F-C, Ecoaldea Pailimay San Fernando, VI Región, Chile |
Claudia de la Flor de la Colina
Method: Purna Yoga
Style: Purna Yoga
International Registered Yoga Teacher IYF
CL037-2012 |
Phone: 8-2344119 |
Address: Calle #3, Parcela #67-B, Santa Sofía de lo Cañas, La Florida, Santiago, Chile |
Juan Carlos Gómez Gómez
Method: Purna Yoga
Style: Purna Yoga
International Registered Yoga Teacher IYF
CL038-2012 |
Phone: 02-3192953
0985565899 |
Address: Pucatrihue 7746, La Florida, Santiago, Chile |
Aquiles Marcel Martínez Muñoz
Method: Purna Yoga
Style: Purna Yoga
International Registered Yoga Teacher IYF
CL039-2012 |
Phone: 569 7 4437761 |
Address: Bernardo Salas #1378, villa Bicentenario, Los Andes, V Región, Chile |
Natalia Cavicchioli Quesada
Method: Purna Yoga
Style: Purna Yoga
International Registered Yoga Teacher IYF
CL040-2012 |
Phone: 9-86624905 |
Address: Calle 3 parcela 66 casa D Santa Sofia de lo Cañas, La florida, Santiago, Chile |
Paola López de Maturana Henríquez
Method: Purna Yoga
Style: Purna Yoga
International Registered Yoga Teacher IYF
CL041-2012 |
Phone: 056-02-3487666
98125948 |
Address: La espuela N° 07216 casa 29, Condominio la Roblería, Las Vizcachas, Santiago de Chile |
Marjorie Rivera Abarca
Method: Purna Yoga
Style: Purna Yoga
International Registered Yoga Teacher IYF
CL042-2012 |
Phone: 5- 673 55 50 |
Address: Av. La Florida #11.361, comuna de la Florida, Stgo. Chile |
Inés Werth Flores
Method: Purna Yoga
Style: Purna Yoga
International Registered Yoga Teacher IYF
CL043-2012 |
Phone: 2260028
94369597 |
Address: Lynch Sur #300, La Reina, Región Metropolitana, Chile |
Andrea Alejandra Villanueva García
Method: Purna Yoga
Style: Purna Yoga
International Registered Yoga Teacher IYF
CL044-2012 |
Phone: 56-02-9198561 |
Address: El Hualle Norte 8048, Lo Cañas, La Florida, Santiago, Chile |
Mirko Boban Plastic Fuentealba
Method: Purna Yoga
Style: Purna Yoga
International Certified Yoga Teacher IYF
CL045-2012 |
Phone: 005664341222 |
Address: Independencia 1145, Río Bueno, Chile |
Grace Alegría Quijada
Method: Purna Yoga
Style: Purna Yoga
International Certified Yoga Teacher IYF
CL046-2012 |
Phone: 9 4497513 |
Address: Camino del Paisaje 6750 Casa 11, Chile |
Claudia Francisca Fry Aleuy
Method: Purna Yoga
Style: Purna Yoga
International Certified Yoga Teacher IYF
CL047-2012 |
Phone: 09 65591146 |
Address: Exequiel Fernández 499, Santiago, Chile |
Evelyn Mancilla Saavedra
Method: Purna Yoga
Style: Purna Yoga
International Certified Master of Yoga IYF
CL048-2012 |
Phone: 056 55 497825
946676 |
Address: Oficina Petronila 149 Casa 22 Cond. Thasos, Chile |
Tatiana Cuevas Zepeda
Method: Purna Yoga
Style: Purna Yoga
International Certified Master of Yoga IYF
CL049-2012 |
Phone: 056 9 78996979 |
Address: Bucalemu 482, Valdivia, Chile |
Juan Luis Prado Toledo
Method: Purna Yoga
Style: Purna Yoga
International Certified Yogatherapy Teacher IYF
CL050-2012 |
Phone: 7698204 |
Address: Campoamor 3150, Ñuñoa, Santiago, Chile |
Barbara Torres Silva
Method: Purna Yoga
Style: Purna Yoga
International Certified Yoga Teacher IYF
CL001-2013 |
Phone: 0056956964260 |
Address: Concepcion, San Pedro de la Paz, Chile |
Carmen Gloria Ramirez Araya
Method: Purna Yoga
Style: Purna Yoga
International Certified Yoga Teacher IYF
CL002-2013 |
Phone: |
Address: Calama, Chile |
Valeria Marchant Ramirez
Method: Purna Yoga
Style: Purna Yoga
International Certified Yoga Teacher IYF
CL003-2013 |
Phone: |
Address: Calama, Chile |
Jessica Antonieta Vargas Estrada
Method: Purna Yoga
Style: Purna Yoga
International Certified Yoga Teacher IYF
CL004-2013 |
Phone: |
Address: |
Karen Lorena Barriga Llanos
Method: Purna Yoga
Style: Purna Yoga
International Certified Master of Yoga IYF
CL005-2013 |
Phone: |
Address: Country Santa Eliana V4, Los Ángeles, Chile |
Gloria Lorena Cuevas Villablanca
Method: Purna Yoga
Style: Purna Yoga
International Certified Yoga Teacher IYF
CL006-2013 |
Phone: 00 56 9 84578530 |
Address: Lorenzo Aceitón 02165, Temuco, Chile |
Jessica Antonieta Vargas Estrada
International Certified Abhyangam Teacher IYF
CL007-2013 |
Phone: |
Address: |
Karen Andrea Olivos Campos
Method: Purna Yoga
Style: Purna Yoga
International Certified Yoga Teacher IYF
CL008-2013 |
Phone: 56 9 82926748 |
Address: Santos Dumont 815, depto 609, Recoleta, Santiago, Chile |
Carmen Gloria Tabilo Huerta
Method: Purna Yoga
Style: Purna Yoga
International Certified Yoga Teacher IYF
CL009-2013 |
Phone: 99694702
056 0227493475
Address: Quito 32 dpto 202, Santiago, Chile |
Roberto Mauricio Tobar Catalán
Method: Purna Yoga
Style: Purna Yoga
International Certified Yoga Teacher IYF
CL010-2013 |
Phone: 00 56 9 88164575 |
Address: Avenida El Valle 6776, Peñaloén, Chile |
Valeria Chávez Aravena
Method: Purna Yoga
Style: Purna Yoga
International Certified Yoga Teacher IYF
CL011-2013 |
Phone: 569 45 812670 |
Address: Los Descubridores 647, Villa Colón, Comuna de Collipulli, IX Región, Chile |
Laura Elisa Sánchez
Method: Purna Yoga
Style: Purna Yoga
International Certified Yoga Teacher IYF
CL012-2013 |
Phone: 056 227160181
9 95482690
Address: Pasaje La Aurora 1864 Vitacura, Santiago, Chile |
Claudia Andrea Aguado Norese
Method: Purna Yoga
Style: Purna Yoga
International Certified Yoga Teacher IYF
CL013-2013 |
Phone: 81732018 |
Address: Patria Vieja N°2, El Monte, Santiago, Chile |
Elizabeth Natalia Espinosa Urrea
Method: Purna Yoga
Style: Purna Yoga
International Certified Yoga Teacher IYF
CL014-2013 |
Phone: 98068829 |
Address: Salvador Gutiérrez 7961, Santiago, Chile |
Alejandra Andrea Cofré Silaberto
Method: Purna Yoga
Style: Purna Yoga
International Certified Yoga Teacher IYF
CL015-2013 |
Phone: |
Address: Alameda 128B ,El Principal.Pirque,Santiago.Chile |
Paulina Soledad Abarca Olmedo
Method: Purna Yoga
Style: Purna Yoga
International Certified Yoga Teacher IYF
CL016-2013 |
Phone: 68090955 |
Address: El Cardal 743, Rancagua, Chile |
Method: Purna Yoga
Style: Purna Yoga
International Certified Yoga Teacher IYF
CL017-2013 |
Mónica González
Method: Purna Yoga
Style: Purna Yoga
International Registered Yoga Teacher IYF
CL018-2013 |
Phone |
Address |
Sandra Celis
Method: Purna Yoga
Style: Purna Yoga
International Registered Yoga Teacher IYF
CL019-2013 |
Phone |
Address |
Soraya Flores
Method: Purna Yoga
Style: Purna Yoga
International Certified Yoga Teacher IYF
CL020-2013 |
Phone |
Address |
Hugo Ahumada
Method: Purna Yoga
Style: Purna Yoga
International Certified Yoga Teacher IYF
CL021-2013 |
Phone |
Address |
Ana María Betinyani
Method: Purna Yoga
Style: Purna Yoga
International Registered Yoga Teacher IYF
CL022-2013 |
Phone |
Address |
Patricia Silva
Method: Purna Yoga
Style: Purna Yoga
International Registered Yoga Teacher IYF
CL023-2013 |
Phone |
Address |
Gladys Arriagada
Method: Purna Yoga
Style: Purna Yoga
International Registered Yoga Teacher IYF
CL024-2013 |
Phone |
Address |
Karina Díaz
Method: Purna Yoga
Style: Purna Yoga
International Registered Yoga Teacher IYF
CL025-2013 |
Phone |
Address |
Camila Acuña
Method: Purna Yoga
Style: Purna Yoga
International Registered Yoga Teacher IYF
CL026-2013 |
Phone |
Address |
María José Cabrera
Method: Purna Yoga
Style: Purna Yoga
International Registered Yoga Teacher IYF
CL027-2013 |
Phone |
Address |
Mónica Maluenda
Method: Purna Yoga
Style: Purna Yoga
International Registered Yoga Teacher IYF
CL028-2013 |
Phone |
Address |
Sandra Mansilla
Method: Purna Yoga
Style: Purna Yoga
International Registered Yoga Teacher IYF
CL029-2013 |
Phone |
Address |
Cynthia Olmos
Method: Purna Yoga
Style: Purna Yoga
International Registered Yoga Teacher IYF
CL030-2013 |
Phone |
Address |
Claudia Saanz
Method: Purna Yoga
Style: Purna Yoga
International Certified Yoga Teacher IYF
CL031-2013 |
Phone |
Address |
Loreto Andrea Reyes Reyes
Method: Purna Yoga
Style: Purna Yoga
International Certified Yoga Teacher IYF
CL032-2013 |
Phone |
Address |
María José Mittersteiner
Method: Purna Yoga
Style: Purna Yoga
International Certified Yoga Teacher IYF
CL033-2013 |
Phone |
Address |