The IYF recognizes three yoga teachers training systems
- Indian Traditional Gurukula System.
- American System or Standards by hours.
- European System by Programme and years.
And three professions of yoga
- Teacher of Yoga Techniques (who learn with trainers of yoga teachers or yogacharya).
- Yoga Teacher (who learn with yogacharya).
- Yoga Therapists.
Indian Traditional Gurukula System or Traditional Yoga Education
Gurukul System is an ancient Indian concept of education, wherein the participants get knowledge, by residing with his teacher as part of his family in the Ashram or School. GURU refers to the Teacher or yogacharya the yoga master. Indian culture puts special emphasis on the guru-disciple relationship. Real guru is one who has attained Self- realization and get SAMADHI.
American System or Standadrs by hours
Minimum Yoga Teacher Standards of International Yoga Federation
This section gives details of typical requirements to be fulfilled by the Yoga Centre for Certification at the 500, 200, and 100 levels
Contact hours means that the Teacher-Trainer is physically in the presence of the student. Non-contact or independent study hours may include: assigned reading or other homework, non supervised study groups, observing yoga classes, etc. The total hours given below are the minimum requirements.
500 - Level YTTC Standards
Techniques (total 220 hours with 75 contact hours)
Training in the techniques and practice of: Asanas, pranayamas, kriyas, ekagrata, pratyahara, dharana, samadhi, samyama, sama, exercices or yoga vyayamas, mantras chanting, and meditation.
Teaching Methodology (total 45 hours with 15 contact hours)
Principles of demonstration, observation, assisting/correcting, instruction, teaching styles, qualities of a teacher, and the student's process of learning.
Anatomy and Physiology (total 50 hours with 20 contact hours)
Physical Anatomy and Physiology and astral/energy/subtle Anatomy and Physiology.
Psychology and Spirituality (total 50 hours with 20 contact hours)
Psychology and Spiritulity (Chitta, Manas, Buddhi, Ahamkara, Alayavjnana, Smriti, Samskaras, Vasanas , Koshas and chakras, marmas, nadis, etc.
Philosophy/Ethics/Lifestyle (total 75 hours with 25 contact hours)
Study of Yoga Scriptures (Yoga Sutras, Bhagavad Gita, etc.), ethics for the yoga teacher.
Practical Teaching (total 60 hours with 20 contact hours)
Student teaching as well as observing and assisting in classes taught by others.
200 - Level YTTC Program
Techniques (total 130 hours with 65 contact hours)
Training in the techniques and practice of: Asanas, pranayamas, kriyas, ekagrata, pratihara, dharana, samadhi, samyama, sama, exercices or yoga vyayamas, mantras chanting, and meditation.
Teaching Methodology (total 20 hours with 10 contact hours)
Principles of demonstration, observation, assisting/correcting, instruction, teaching styles, qualities of a teacher, and the student's process of learning.
Anatomy and Physiology (total 10 hours with 5 contact hours)
Physical Anatomy and Physiology and astral/energy/subtle Anatomy and Physiology.
Practical Teaching (total 40 hours with 20 contact hours)
Student teaching as well as observing and assisting in classes taught by others. Hours may be a combination of supervised and unsupervised.
100 - Level YTTC Program
Techniques (total 75 hours with 25 contact hours)
Training in the techniques and practice of: Asanas, pranayamas, kriyas, ekagrata, pratihara, dharana, samadhi, samyama, sama, exercices or yoga vyayamas, mantras chanting, and meditation.
Teaching Methodology (total 10 hours with 5 contact hours)
Principles of demonstration, observation, assisting/correcting, instruction, teaching styles, qualities of a teacher, and the student's process of learning.
Anatomy and Physiology (total 5 hours)
Physical Anatomy and Physiology and astral/energy/subtle Anatomy and Physiology.
Practical Teaching (total 10 hours with 5 contact hours)
Student teaching as well as observation and assistance in classes taught by others. Hours may be a combination of supervised and unsupervised.
European System by Programme and 4 years
European Training Programme (ITP) 4 years of course.
Duration of course:
Minimum 4 years, minimum 500 hours of tuition to include tutorials with course tutor(s), seminars, and extra-mural courses, approved by the Training School.
Training hours to be apportioned as below:
(Hatha Yoga and basics of Patanjali) 140 h.
Indian tradition, Ayur Veda and texts 60 h.
Western tradition, human sciences and texts 40 h.
Total of minimum specified obligatory hours 340 h.
Unspecified obligatory hours 160 h.
Minimum TOTAL hours 500 h.